Great Lakes College, Tuncurry Campus


Telephone02 6555 0500


The Wellbeing team is focused upon the development and maintenance of student emotional wellbeing with the aim to support student learning. The Wellbeing team includes the Senior Executive staff, Year Group Head Teachers, a Student Support Officer and counsellors.

The Wellbeing team meets regularly to discuss wellbeing programs and student needs. The team accesses information from the 'Tell Them From Me' survey, which is conducted annually, and school based data to determine student needs and develop programs accordingly. In doing so we access and develop student centred activities to meet the needs of individuals and groups. Each program is reiewed to enable a thorough evaluation on the impact of student wellbeing and the intended learning outcomes.

Programs coordinated by the team include whole school activities, group activities and individual support that are supported by trained Tuncurry Campus staff and inter agency supports.

All students participate in Positive Minds lessons with their Year Advisors once a fortnight. These lessons provide a structured and responsive planned approach to the wellbeing needs and emotional development of all students. The school delivers the Love Bites program to all students from Years 7 to 10 through the Positive Minds lessons. A focus on anti-bullying, emotional and social resilience and mental health is also delivered through the Positive Minds lessons. Year 7 students participate in Rock and Water and our student faciliated Peer Support program. 

Other programs on offer include Seasons for Growth, Homebase one on one case management, Homebase programs, Heart to Heart, Strong Smart Settled, RAGE, ASPIRE and YAMS.

The team works closely with staff, students, parents and external agencies to support and develop student's sense of wellbeing toward the goal of becoming a happy, healthy and resilient young adult. All staff at Tuncurry Campus are focussed upon the maintenance of student wellbeing to maximise student achievement.