Tuncurry Campus is a 7–10 school which together with the Forster 7–10 Campus and the Senior Campus comprises Great lakes College. Located in a coastal setting, Tuncurry Campus draws from a diverse socioeconomic population and has a significant Aboriginal student enrolment. As a 7–10 school, Tuncurry Campus caters for the needs of the adolescent learner placing value on this phase of students’ social, emotional and cognitive development. The learning environment is based on quality relationships, high expectations for student achievement and collaborative processes. Tuncurry Campus enjoys a strong relationship with the feeder primary schools and is a proud member of the Great Lakes Learning Community where there is a strong focus on the learning continuum K to 12.
* A world class, local education - Great Lakes College students enjoy a world class education which gives them the skills and individual attention they need to succeed.
* One College - Unlimited opportunities - Our College ensures that students have access to the widest possible range of subjects and opportunities.
* A dynamic and focused learning environment - Every student of Great Lakes College is supported to achieve their personal best through our dynamic, focused and respectful learning enviromnment.
* Every student cared for and valued - Our strong focus on student wellbeing ensures that your child is nurtured, cared for and valued.
* Professional teachers who engage and inspire - Our highly skilled, passionate teachers engage, inspire and empower our student to succeed.
* Working together from K-12 - We work collaboratively across the Great Lakes Learning Community to ensure a rewarding journey for students from Kindergarten to Year 12.